Welcome to our Church

Our church is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes all God’s people as we seek to embrace everyone with love, care, and compassion. We stand with those to right the wrongs of inequity and injustice with engaging dialogue that will foster conversation. We are a diverse and inclusive congregation that seeks to love all God’s people as we grow in our faith.

About Presbyterian Church of Livingston

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. Through this website, you will see a church that is committed to faith in action. With inspirational worship, Christian Education for every age, fellowship, congregational care, and mission, we come to celebrate the living Lord and leave to share this Lord in our world. We are a warm and caring congregation who invite you to come, seek, and grow with us.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Dan


The Presbyterian Church of Livingston (PCL) evolved as a “grass roots” effort on the part of residents of Livingston. It began as a strong fellowship of people meeting for worship and church school in the local VFW Hall. As the number of attendees grew, the need for a church building was met through the hard work and enthusiastic support of its members.

The Fellowship Hall was dedicated in 1951, the present sanctuary was added in 1958, and the tower and third floor in 1968. Four pastors have served the church since that time and our present Pastor is The Reverend Daniel Martian.

The Church has a long history of strong caring fellowship amongst its parishioners and close relationships with its Pastors who have helped to strengthen our faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ and application to our daily lives.

Throughout its history, the Church has demonstrated its commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as a “Church in Action” by internationally supporting refugees from around the world, supporting a mission in Arizona working with Native Americans, as well as partnering with Memorial West Presbyterian Church in Newark to begin an active soup kitchen.

The Church maintains close ties with the local community through mission and ministry events, Recognition Sundays honoring local First Responders, and Light Up Livingston, celebrating the diversity of our community. The history of warm fellowship and enthusiasm continues as we enjoy engaging worship experiences, regular fellowship events, and continued opportunities for mission and outreach. PCL is a member of the PCUSA denomination and the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.

Our Church’s Mission

Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, we are an inclusive congregation that welcomes all to come and experience God as we seek to live as God’s people and grow in our faith.

“COME . . . SEEK . . . GROW”